Knowledge and experience really matter


GM2S GmbH offers you 20 years of Oracle knowledge, starting from Oracle 7.x up to Oracle 11G R2:

  • Application Performance Management
  • Performance analysis and tuning
  • Architecture and design for applications/systems
  • Development (PL/SQL, etc.)
  • Replication (Oracle Streams, etc.)
  • High availability
  • Monitoring and analysis


  • Development of interfaces (e.g. between Avalog and a bancomat solution)
  • Deep knowledge in particular for all security related components like:
    • User roles and profiles configuration
    • User roles and profiles assignment

Information security

  • Analysis and implementation of several information security principles:
    • Data classification
    • Data ownership
    • Data visibility
    • Cross-nation data visibility/access
    • Need-to-know
    • Minimum privilege
  • Data loss prevention
  • Analysis and implementation of technology risk management guidelines provided my monetary authorities e.g. MAS (Monetary Authority Singapore)


  • Analysis and implementation of security information log management
  • Analysis and implementation of Oracle log management

EVAM (event and action management)

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